Dry Vermouth

78° Distillery

750 mL
18.0 %
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The Adelaide Hills in South Australia is home to some of Australia’s most revered farms, orchards and gourmet producers, with its celebrated cool climate providing perfect conditions for growers and farmers alike. From this enviable landscape, we take the inspiration for 78° Distillery. To use only the highest quality produce, sourced both locally and from other premium regions both interstate and around the world. To make use of the premium water available in our backyard. And to make this commitment to quality our driving philosophy. Created with McLaren Vale Chenin Blanc at its base, this variety showcases ripe stonefruit, citrus and herbaceousness, while adding great mid palate fruit characteristics to the Vermouth on which to carry the botanicals. The Chenin Blanc is then aged in old oak and stainless steel with our modern blend of Torino inspired roots, herbs and spices. From here this Dry Vermouth gets its distinct Australian air by utilising the French method of adding salinity in the form of karkalla, resinous herbal notes of native thyme and a rounding off of undertones of honey and nuts imparted from roasted wattleseed, tying all of the botanicals together with the varietal characteristics of the Chenin Blanc.
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