Sunshine State Gin

78° Distillery

700 mL
0.0 %
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Created to celebrate the opening of our 78˚ Brisbane bar, Purple Palm. Encompassing the bright, tropical climate of the Sunshine State in this refreshing and delicious gin. We wanted to capture the flavour of the great state of Queensland in a bottle. Marrying juicy mangoes, pineapples & passionfruit, we have created a gin that is refreshing & delicious.
Serving Suggestions
Best served with a dry tonic, or soda water and garnished with a pineapple wedge and mint sprig.
If you want to shake things up then try a Sunshine Fizz: 50ml Sunshine State Gin, 30ml Pineapple Juice, 20ml Lemon Juice, 15ml sugar syrup, 15ml Aquafaba or egg white, 45ml soda water.
Shake first 5 ingredients. Then add ice to shaker and shake again. Strain into a tall glass with ice and top with soda. Garnish with a pineapple wedge and a mint sprig.
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