Blue Lake Lodge Single Malt Whisky

Callington Mill Distillery

Arthur's Lake is located 1042 meters above sea level in the central highlands rugged region of Tasmanian and is the pristine water source for Callington Mill Distillery's single malt whisky. Arthurs Lake is also home to Callington Mill Blue Lake Lodge - where we have been quietly maturing our whisky in the brooding climate and biodiversity of the Tasmanian wilderness. It is within this unspoiled setting that our whisky casks mature outside, soaking in the pure air and clean waters, imparting unique wild characteristics to our whisk of honey, butterscotch, luscious white flowers, coconuts, and vanilla. A nutty, layered and sweet romish approachable whisky with a nougat finish that just keeps going. Viscous, robust, complex - a wilderness that refuses to be tamed.
700 mL
46.0 %
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