Evening Light Gin

Brogan's Way Distillery

An approachable, softer style gin wit delicate fruit & floral notes. Ideal entry into the world of craft gin. 
200 mL - 700 mL
42.0 %
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Lighter and more delicate in flavours, not alcoholic srength. Gentle sweet juniper lifted by fresh mangoes, raspberries and grapefruit. Lively vibrant with soft warmth of cassia bark. Lilli-lilli and strawberry gum provide sweet berry like complexity,
Serving Suggestions
1. Raspberry Collins - 45 mL Evening Light gin, 20mL raspberry syrup, 20mL lemon juice, 45mL soda water, ice and raspberries to garnish. Shake and dump into a collins glass - top with more ice and the soda water. Add garnish.
2. Evening Light G&T - 30 mL Evening Light gin, 90 mL Sodasmith Lemon Myrtle Tonic, ice and orange wedge garnish. Assemble in a glass, top with ice and add garnish. 
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