Milk & Honey Vodka

Brogan's Way Distillery

A truly unique vodka. Distilled with fresh St David cream and raw strawberry blossom honey. 
700 mL
38.0 %
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Sweet floral notes of the honey meld perfectly with the rich texture of the cream
Serving Suggestions
1. Roasted Wattleseed Martini - 40ml Milk & Honey Vodka, 15ml Sugar Syrup, 30ml Roasted Wattleseed cold brew 2 drops vanilla bitters, 2 drops Instafoam. Dry shake, wet shake, double strain into a martini glass and garnish with a couple of coffee beans.
2. Milk & Honey Finger Lime Soda - 30ml Milk & Honey Vodka, 90mL Sodasmith Finger Lime soda. Assemble in a tall glass with lots of ice and garnish with a wedge of lime.
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