Garden Gin

Copper & Cane Distilling

Experience the sophisticated harmony of natural flavors with our Garden Gin, a carefully crafted blend of botanicals designed to elevate any cocktail moment.
700 mL
44.9 %
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Australian Botanicals
Kicking off with a robust, rooty base, this spirit greets you with a zesty grapefruit tang that soon softens. As it settles on your palate, it reveals a refreshing sweetness, reminiscent of cucumber and green melon, making each sip a delightful balance of flavours. The botanicals used to create the Garden Gin are - Juniper, Coriander Seeds, Orris Roots, Angelica Roots, Mexican Melon, Grapefruit and Cucumber.
Serving Suggestions
Ideal for sipping with ice or mixing with our house tonic Long Rays for a refreshing G&T.
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