Signature Dry Gin
Archie Rose Distilling Co.
Single Malt Whisky
With an unwavering belief that malt provides a potent and vital contribution to the final flavour profile of our whisky, Archie Rose Single Malt Whisky is distinctly crafted to highlight six malts, each with a unique profile and character. This six-malt mash bill, although incredibly low yielding, provides a rich and expressive flavour, full of distinct regional character. Matured predominantly in 100, 200 and 300-litre Australian Apera (Sherry) casks, complemented by a selection of Ex-Bourbon and Archie Rose’s own 36-month air dried Ex-Rye Casks, each cooperated with a specific balance of both char and toast. The natural sweetness of these casks complements the savoury charisma of the spirit, revealing fresh herbs, shortbread biscuits, raisins, toffee and dark chocolate on the nose. Meanwhile, the palate is luscious with well-integrated flavours of sticky date pudding and amaretto with a final note of espresso.
Rye Malt Whisky
To create this truly unique whisky, we selectively sourced rare malted rye and the finest malted barley from progressive malt houses, paired them with virgin American oak casks air-dried for 36 months and let it all mature in the maritime air of coastal Sydney. Our preference for malted rye over the far more commonly used unmalted rye affords this whisky a point of distinction evident upon the very first sip. This layered, aromatic spirit offers notes of spiced custard, ginger, stone fruit and baked apple pie with a fresh herbal finish that lingers on the palate.
Native Botanical Vodka
Native Botanical Vodka is a truly Australian vodka that celebrates native botanicals, carefully distilled in copper vacuum stills, using our unique cold distillation process to eliminate the adverse impacts of heat and create botanical distillates of clarity and distinct flavour. Native lemon-scented gum and sunrise lime join Australian peach and Roman chamomile to create an irresistible flavour profile. Enjoy in your favourite serve and savour in good company.