Pinque Rose

West Winds Distillers

“Pinque” sums up this sublime, cabernet sauvignon-infused rosé-coloured gin perfectly.
700 mL
37.5 %
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Red wine, rose petals and strawberry gum in a gin? Of course, when the inspiration is a delightful, chilled rosé: red berry spice combining seamlessly with cinnamon, lemon myrtle and orange peel to produce a gin that is very much about the spirit of Margaret River and a spirit looking for an adventure. Dry, complex, multi-dimensional yet very approachable, and worlds away from the sweet novelty gins out there masquerading as “wine-driven”. And “Pinque” was the French term for a particular type of 18th century sailing ship. Works for us. Our Pinque Gin has been produced utilising the fantastic characters of Cabernet Sauvignon from the Margaret River region. The incorporation of Cabernet Sauvignon not only gives the gin its beautiful Rosé colour but also adds to the red berry fruit character of the gin. A ‘serious’ pink gin that is all about gin flavour and not sugar! Utilising botanicals such as Strawberry Gum, Red Rose Petals, Vanilla Pod, Cinnamon Quill, Lemon Myrtle and Orange Peel with a backbone of red berry fruit from the addition of the Cabernet Sauvignon.
Serving Suggestions
Mix with your favourite tonic and garnish with a slice of orange for your perfect G&T.
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